Have you guys been tuning in to Saitama, Japan, where the World Figure Skating Championships 2014 are currently being held? I haven't had a chance to catch up on any of the world action yet, for two reasons! First of all, as usual, I have a lot going on. That might sound a bit exaggerated, but I very rarely find the time to sit down for an hour or two to watch an event. The second barrier to my enjoying some skating on the TV is that the BBC is not covering the championship! *rolls eyes*
March 28, 2014
March 25, 2014
Figure Skating Judging: A Chat With Jeff From L.A Skate Dad
After the Sochi Olympics everyone who watched skating had scorekeeping
on their mind, so LA SkateDad and Figure Skating Advice had an email
conversation about the subject. Well not specifically about the
Olympics' scoring, but more about scorekeeping in general. (Both of us
published this on our blogs).
FSA > Did your child ever compete under the 6.0 system, and if so, how did you and your kid adapt to IJS?
FSA > Did your child ever compete under the 6.0 system, and if so, how did you and your kid adapt to IJS?
March 19, 2014
*VIDEO* How To Tape Your Figure Skates
Today's post is such an exciting one for me because I have finally branched out into the wonderful world of vlogging! I've recorded two videos so far: one teeny tiny introductory video of myself (click here to see it), and this one, describing how to tape your figure skates for protection during training. This will help to keep your boots looking their best for as long as possible.
March 16, 2014
3 Ways To Up-Cycle A Figure Skating Dress
I'm sure by now you guys have heard the buzz-word "up-cycling" to describe giving a new life to an old item, and if you hadn't, well, you have now! If you're in skating then you are well aware of the financial load the sport can put on your wallet, as was I while skating competitively. I thought it would be fun to tell you lovely readers about up-cycling skating dresses, because I have done this with my own old dresses, and it worked out fabulously! Read on for all the deets my pretties!
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