June 9, 2013

Sunday Skating Activities To Do At Home

So it's Sunday, and it's raining outside.

Perhaps you don't have a rink run today, and you aren't (or can't) running any errands, but fancy doing something skating related, either for practicality's sake, or for fun.

I'm trying to get back into the swing of blogging, so I'm going to try and post little and often this week, to see if I can keep it up.

So today I thought I'd write a short post on some ideas for house-bound skating-related activities for a lazy Sunday!

November 3, 2012

Mending This Broken Skater: How Pilates Changed My Life

The idea for this post came to me during my pilates class two weeks ago (and yes, this is me, just now, finding the time to finally do something about it!). It's a subject very dear to my heart, and one I want to talk to you about today due to the high number of injuries that occur in the sport of skating. If there was some sort of "pilates ambassador" title, I'd have it. It's simple: pilates changed my life.

February 12, 2011

How to: Be Fair To Your Non-Skaters

You're probably not superbly rich, but you probably do have more than one child. That's the sort of household I grew up in, and I'm guessing I'm not the only skater from a working class family whose parents juggled skating with the whole other realm that is family life.

Yes, it would be lovely indeed, to call Jeeves to collect Skating-Sister from school, cook her dinner, help with homework, make that crafts project, and keep a watchful eye on the friends she has over. But I didn't live in fantasy-dream-land, and chances you don't either!

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